Add your solution to an existing catalog

Learning objectives:
  • learn what is necessary to deploy to a catalog managed by someone else.

In the last section you learned how to create your own remote catalog and deploy a solution to it. But you can also deploy your solution into an already existing catalog.

Like for example the catalog of a coworker, the group you work in or the institute you work for.

Task 1 - Get access to a target catalog that is not yours. Work in groups if needed.
Ask to become a collaborator for a given catalog: - To be able to deploy a solution into a catalog your git user needs the permission to write into the git repository of the catalog. You need to be a collaborator of the catalog.

Task 2 - Add your catalog to your album installation!

Add the catalog to your collection:

  • For Album to recognise your new catalog you have to add it to your local collection of catalogs with the following command:
    album add-catalog [repo-url]

Task 3 - Deploy your solution to the catalog!

Deploy your solution into the catalog:

  • You can now address the catalog by the name it carries and deploy solutions to it
  • Simply run the following command:
    album deploy [solution-path] [catalog-name]

Task 4 - Don't forget to update and upgrade your Album!

Upgrade your local version of the catalog

  • Your solution is now part of the remote catalog (e.g. check it in github/gitlab). To synchronise your local catalog managed by Album with the remote, run the following commands:
    album update [catalog-name]
    album upgrade [catalog-name]